Person in simluator



Our state-of-the-art Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) facility at London Gatwick was completed in 2019 with an £88 million investment. The site’s capabilities include heavy maintenance and essential MRO work, supporting our customers’ aircraft maintenance and modification needs. Find out more about our Gatwick hangar.

Gatwick Training Campus

Female Boeing engineer looking at wiring under an aircraft

The MRO facility is located near our Gatwick Training Campus, a 4,900 square metre site where an additional 100 Boeing employees and nine full flight simulators are based, making it the company’s largest combined training centre outside the United States.

Flight training can be conducted on the following aircraft:


  • 787-8 x 3
  • 787-9
  • 777-300ER/200ER
  • 737-700W/800W/800W-SFP
  • 737-8
  • 787-8 (FTP) x2
  • 757/767 VPT
  • 737NG VPT
  • 737-8 (FTP) x2